Personal Blog

Why does storing a set take the same space as storing a list?

In a typical serialization library, encoding a collection gets carried out in the same way for lists (ordered) and sets (order-agnostic). Regardless of the collection type, the elements are simply written one after the other. This means that the encoded bytes implicitly carry the information of the order of elements. Is it possible to isolate this information, eliminate it from the encoding, therefore end up with a more compact byte representation? ...

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Benefits of unit testing with concrete examples

I wasn't well aware of the importance of unit tests before seeing them actually working at real systems. In this post, I'm going to demonstrate some benefits along with concrete examples which would persuade my past self about how crucial unit tests are ...

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Change in my perception of warnings

We have been overexposed to COVID-19 warning messages so much that I have become numb to warnings in other contexts. In this post, I'm going to elaborate on how I think it happened ...

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Are tech companies secretly listening to us?

Short answer: No, that is not a technically feasible thing to do and no company would take such a big risk of having this large privacy breach for a small return like 'targeted ads'. For the long answer, please read on ...

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Using Notepad++ macros to process small-scale data

Let's say you want to sort some data you found online, dirtily embedded in a webpage. Or simply, you want to change the format of a CSV file quickly. For this kind of one-time tasks, I think writing a script takes more time than the method I'm going to describe in this post ...

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Why do I love JavaScript?

JavaScript has been the language I go for whenever I need to write a quick app or prototype a small idea. Then, over the years, it became one of my favorite languages. In this post, I'm going to list a couple of reasons for my sympathy for JavaScript ...

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What the college has taught me? (other than computer science)

Just graduated. The college has taught me a lot about computer science, and what else? In this post, I want to discuss some of the stuff that I learned during (but not necessarily from) the college ...

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